Skilled Family Law Attorneys in Tampa Bay
In Florida, when a unwed couple has a child, the Mother is presumed to have all legal rights to the child. Until a circuit court determines who is the legal Father, the Mother can decide all aspects of the child’s life including where the child resides, how often the child can visit with relatives like the Father, and how the child will be medically treated.
Dissolution of Marriage
In the current digital age, it can feel like people instantly take notice when a couple divorces. All of a sudden, friends and family want to know why you’ve split up and who will “win” the divorce. This can make it difficult to keep intimate and personal aspects of your life private. Your choice of attorney can help to make the process of getting divorced much more manageable.
Child Support
Regardless if a child is born to married or unmarried parents who are no longer together, the Court has an obligation to award child support for the benefit of the child. The Court will determine the number of nights in a year the child resides with each parent, relying on the parents’ Parenting Plan.
Estate Planning & Guardianship
McCart & Tesmer serves as Tampa Bay’s leader in the field of Marital and Family Law and Estate Planning and Probate, enabling our clients to reach constructive long term outcomes. We represent good people who are facing life challenges that have the potential to negatively impact their life and their family’s life –complex issues that should be addressed by an experienced attorney. During these times of emotional stress, you need someone in your corner whom you can trust, who prioritizes your needs, and who is responsive.

Probate is the legal process of transferring property ownership out of a deceased person’s name and into the name of heirs or beneficiaries. There are three types of probate: Disposition without Administration, Summary Administration, and Formal Administration.